AI for Ethical finance and Islamic Banking Services

ISPC’s AI for ethical finance and Islamic banking services deliver superior ethical credit products. With ISPC’s AI, you can get more approved borrowers at lower risks across business sectors while transforming normal clients into delightful ones by delivering the exceptional digital-personal user experience – Customer’s demand.

We provide brand new Sharia-compliant financing tools and draw AI strategies and roadmaps.
Our value proposition addresses new areas to enable every Islamic bank to recapture Tens of Millions of Dollars of lost revenue per year from
No – Real-time user experience,
 No -Brand new Sharia-compliant credit products to achieve up to 60% in net profit, and be the basis for AI.
No -Money creation processes, that don’t rely on interest rates.
NoOut-of-the-box processes to recapture the losses of up to 40% of clients who said we’re not interested in being your clients.


Tens of Millions of Dollars

ISPC's Value Proposition

Today, ISPC focuses on providing new financial solutions and offers a different value proposition that addresses new areas to enable ethical finance and Islamic banks to:

1. Generate an extra Tens of Millions of Dollars in profit in less than a year without having to change the legal financing rates.

2. Have one-of-a-kind (AI)-tactic-based financing solutions and strategies for Islamic banking and finance.

3. Convert the said NO into a big YES

4. Money creation that is totally not based on interest rates.

5. Build dynamic, real-time user experience scenarios based on individual behavior for every user.

6. Maximize the financial impact of AI projects within the bank’s existing business.

In business innovation and service, we can compete and be ready to do business to help you be an AI first bank.

What does it mean to be an AI-first bank?

It’s a survival issue. It’s the future; it’s a lifestyle.

Self-driving business and a risk-free decision-making process make business much easier.

Power customer interactions rather than let other banks that master AI take care of them. It does.

Competitive, data-driven, and evolving financial industry landscape.

ISPC Achievment

ISPC re-created the way of ethical financing, Islamic banking, from this day and forward, incredibly SMART in how it could best benefit Islamic banks’ financial and non-financial performance, save money, take advantage of emerging digital technologies with Islamic financing processes, and give millions of clients a unique and personalized digital experience, with an increase in revenue, an increase in employee productivity, and fewer costs.

The special thing we do is the way we make it available and integrate it with your process. The company’s powered Sharia-compliant solutions give banks secure finance, with retailers and more clients to the retailers, payment options, and open up their businesses to a wider customer base with the SMARTESTFLOW step-by-step guide for a win-win strategy.

ISPC makes everything more intelligent. Financing, investing, and money creation do not rely on interest rates. It’s an intelligent masterpiece for rewarding all parties: personal, business, and the bank.

ISPC answers how our innovative, smarter (AI) Sharia-compliant products could best benefit Islamic banks by generating an extra Tens of Millions of Dollars in profit in less than a year without having to change the legal financing rates.


Supercharge Bank’s Net Profits up to
Maximize Accomplished Contracts up to
Accelerate total Investments up to
Raise Up Total Deposits up to
Turbocharge Total Accounts up to